Saturday, February 8, 2025

write for us

Write for Us on News Plana

Welcome, we at News Plana honour your presence and will to serve us.  Producing your quality content with us on our platform will take your expertise to whole another level. Keep in your mind that for which you are applying is not a vacancy, because there is and always be room for new concepts or improvement. This is because the average daily count of the daily visitor to our platform is just flying, which indicates that there will always be room for a new blog writer. Before we lead our way to the domains of your content let’smake velar a few points. First and foremost is Grammar, no grammatical mistake is acceptable, make sure that your content is unique in such a way as no one is out there. You have to take care of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Because through SEO you will be more connected with your readers. You will also be taking care of Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing will take your produced content directly into the hands of those who are interested in that content or they are searching for it.

Let’s continue towards the contents, remember that these contents are not ranked by any means, and you must have expertise and experience in all of them, that is because all of these contents are linked together.


Education is the basic right of every human in existence, irrespective of one’s age, caste, colour, culture. It is the origin of everything. But the people that deserve the most to study or avail of any kind of scholarship basically are not given any chance. People face a lot of other problems for the selection of medium of their studies. Students often don’t know which institution to go to. They usually take stress and depression so much which is not good for their health and studies. Your experience and knowledge will simply help them out.


The maintenance of our health and fitness is a very important aspect of our life. Different exercises, different ways of yoga and different ways to maintain diet help, people, out for their health management and prevent them from getting into a kind of serious sickness. Some habits are also very harmful to one’s health. That is why people are needed to be guided.


Home Improvement:

This is a kind of topic that no one can ignore in his lifestyle. Everyone desires to make his residence reflect their lifestyle and personality. There are a lot of ways you can do that. Different contractors are available in the markets for full-on renovations. Or if you want to do DIY, some different tips and tricks are needed to be followed for home improvement. Different colours and designs for painting your house, different architectural designs that help you to make your house complete for you.


Every earning person deserves to know about finance as vast as he can, because if you are earning, which you most probably are then you will end up involving in any sort of problem or scam, if you have to get a loan, get some financing or leasing, want to get some mutual funds, want to invest your money, or you are fined by the government, or you want to apply for some sort of assist fund from the government or any sort of foundation you need to know about finance.


Whether it is for men or for women it appeals to the attention. People usually don’t have basic fashion sense on how to make them look good by the integration of some wearables. People often don’t know how to choose the right brand or right outfit for an occasion. Fashion does not define itself as clothing or outfit or jewellery terminology it is design terminology as well. You can discuss some fashion trends getting famous or trending at the current time, you can discuss different fashion weeks and shows or exhibitions happening across the globe which can attract fashion associated people.


Everyone does the shopping, whether it is shopping for groceries or any kind of fashion-related shopping. But right now the aspect of shopping has been changed by online shopping professionally called eCommerce.  Due to the worldwide lockdown, everyone was locked in their homes. Everyone had no option other than online shopping.


Technology is making everyone modern day by day and everyone thrives to have a quick result on their investment of time and money. Cryptocurrency is the fastest way to make a profitable return on investment. There are different cryptocurrencies to choose from and they’re a lot not to choose from. People have started whole new businesses by just investing their money in crypto.  But there is a lot to know about cryptocurrency because it is a phenomenon. People have to get educated about crypto. Some businesses have come out just by crypto.


It is another important need in one’s life. Due to some advancements in technology, we can experience entertainment like never before. Movies, TV Series, games all are major sources of entertainment. But all of them have some pros and cons which do not integrate themselves with every human’s mind. Therefore mentioning the right recommendation for a specific mind will be very helpful


The term of technology is unlike anything that I have mentioned so far. It has its branches expanding, over a lot of terms that one can expect like education, health, home improvement, transport, travel, communication, and right now earning as well. It totally changed the aspect of news as well. No, you can watch, read, listen to the news, newspaper respectively. It is also helping people simplifying their lifestyle, for example, now you can control your tv, lights, air conditioner, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, etc. just by commanding Google, or Alexa, or Siri respective of your ecosystem.     

There is no conclusion to this because we can talk and write for hours and hours about blog writing. Now if you think that something is missing that you know and wanted to be mentioned here as well, or if you have any other queries, contact us via the following link.

Some Usefull Terms While Finding Guest Post

  • SEO Write for us
  • Technology Write for us
  • Digital Marketing Write for us
  • Business Write for us
  • Write for us SEO
  • Write for us Business
  • Education Write for us
  • Fashion Write for us
  • Write for us Tech
  • Home Improvement Write for us
  • Finance Write for us
  • Lifestyle Write for us
  • Health Write for us
  • Shopping Write for us
  • Write for us Shopping
  • CryptoCurrency Write for us
  • Pets write for us
  • News Write for us
  • Write for us News
  • Ecommerce Write for us
  • Write for us Ecommerce
  • Write for us Pets

If you are facing any issue then you can contact on this email