Although its use predominates in pre-Hispanic communities for mystical and spiritual rituals, it also tends to have applications in the medical field. Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) or also know as ” The molecule of God”, is a psychoactive substance that can have powerful hallucinogenic effects, which is present in different plants and sometimes in the brain of mammals.
This chemical compound is frequently use to perform mystical and spiritual rituals, a practice that has been carry out since ancient times, while, more recently, its use has also been implement in pharmacology for psychiatric treatments. – Buy Psychedelics Canada.
Its full chemical name is N,N-dimethyltryptamine and it belongs to the tryptamine family and is form by the formula C₁₂H₁₆N₂ , which gives it powerful hallucinogenic properties. Its consumption is usually in the form of an extract or through a refine synthetic, which is present in a small white solid, while, when mix with some substances to trade it illegally, it usually has different colors.
It is commonly consume by ingestion or smoking, since through the oral route its effects are perceive immediately, although inhaling it can avoid possible adverse reactions that can arise if it were absorb by the stomach . One of the elements in which it can be find is the Psychotria viridis or chacruna, a plant that is use in the preparation of ayahuasca or yagé .
In the case of mammals, this substance is usually produce by the brain itself, while, in the pharmacological sense, it is consider an alkaloid with neuromodulatory effects, which is why it is consider in both cases a hallucinogenic-type psychoactive substance, hence his pseudonym of “the molecule of God” arises.
How Does “the Molecule of God” Work?
The operation of DMT consists of inhibiting the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO), preventing it from acting in the body, which is why some neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine and adrenaline are inactivate or degrade.
It is by decreasing monoamine oxidase that DMT levels are prevent from gradually declining. Dimethyltryptamine usually works hand in hand with alkaloids of the beta – carboline class, which are find in plants such as Cape vinca, ryegrass or English grass, or fescue arundinacea.
After mixing DMT with MAOIs, the effects can be enhance and lengthen, although the duration is usually not longer than 30 minutes.
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What Uses and Effects Can DMT Have?
The main effect that this component usually has are hallucinations of various types, both visual, auditory and sensory, in which the mystical content predominates, which are usually know as astral travel. In the negative effects, prolong use of dimethyltryptamine can induce manic and psychotic or similar episodes, in addition to leading to a withdrawal syndrome if its consumption is withdraw suddenly.
As far as its production in the brain is concern, its function is still consider a mystery, although some specialists point out that it can be involve in the visual effects that we develop when we dream. Others point out that its usefulness can be relate to near-death experiences, from which the name “the molecule of God” has also emerge.
Finally, regarding its use in the medical field, DMT is usually relate to some neurodegenerative medical conditions, due to its activity in the Sigma-1 receptor, which is why its use is related to psychiatric diagnoses such as schizophrenia and the treatment of depression, due to the increase in the global connectivity of some areas of the brain, in addition to its enhancing effect on neurotransmitters such as serotonin.