There is so much mystery in this world, and the supernatural is part of it. At some point in time, every human believes in these mysteries, and that something beyond his understanding exists. Today’s article is not about proving if something mysterious exists but about highlighting how people get affected by these mysteries and occult science. We will understand with examples.
Understanding Reality Hacking
When we hear “hacking,” we often think of computers, technology, and passwords. Someone who stays behind the screen and unlocks the passwords is called a hacker. However, hacking can be done anywhere and to anyone in every aspect; it doesn’t have to be about passwords and technology.
Reality hacking concerning occult science is about hacking the sense of humans. For example, many believe in reading astrology columns, and they believe that something said about a zodiac sign applies to them. There are billions of people in this world and only twelve zodiac signs. All these people believe that the prediction made about their zodiac sign will happen as predicted.
Also, many times, we go to a palm reader or an astrologer and show our hands to get the predictions.
Occult Science in the Daily Life
Occult science like astrology is so infused in people’s lives that even before getting married, the couple receives their kundali analyzed. The family doesn’t finalize the relationship until the astrologer concludes it is a compatible match. If the kundalis don’t match, then the marriage doesn’t happen.
Hence, in love marriages, when two people already love each other, it becomes difficult to turn their relationship into a marriage in India. Apart from the cast and religious issues, kundalis also determine if the family would agree to the marriage or not.
Similarly, the occult sciences apply in our homes as well. Before purchasing the land for making a home or office, people are often called an astrologer. They first need an astrologer’s advice on whether or not they should purchase the land.
People who purchase a flat or already built homes ask the astrologer if they should purchase the place. After calculating the Vastu of the home, the astrologer influences the decision of purchase. This is how occult sciences influence our daily lives and influence our major decisions.
Using these beliefs and occult science, people also deceive others by changing their perceptions psychologically. For example, A has a friend B who wants to purchase land. If A wants B not to purchase the land, he can influence his decision.
A can come up with something like, “A few weeks ago, my relative was also looking to purchase this land. However, he consulted with an astrologer and found out that the land is no good and will only bring downfall.”
Even if A doesn’t stop B directly from purchasing the land, B will surely think about his decision once more, and there is a chance that he might not go on with the deal.
A Real-Life Example in a Corporate
In Mumbai, thousands of companies and hundreds of sales guys are working for them to advertise their products.
A Company named A was trying to close the deal really badly, but Company B was giving it a hard time. There is a salesman named Kumar who works for B. Now B commutes daily to his home using the local train.
Company A then decided to study the activities of Kumar for some days because he was one of the influential salesmen of Company B.
After some days, Company A sent a Sadhu to Kumar, saying that his life was in danger. Kumar didn’t pay much attention and started his normal routine. Kumar thought for a moment and shrugged it off.
However, after a few days, a different Sadhu came to him and said you had put your life in danger. You should stay at home and recite Hanuman Chalisa for a week. This time Kumar went to the Sadhu and discussed his say.
Listening to the Sadhu, Kumar got frightened this time for his life. He stopped on his route and headed back home. That day Kumar didn’t go to the office and took leave for a week. Since Kumar went off the path, Company A again came in strength and locked the deal. Company B sent another salesman in place of Kumar, but they failed to lock the deal since the clients were unfamiliar with the new salesman.
Hence hacking in real life using our beliefs can affect us psychologically and then physically. Hence, we should always pay attention to the logic other than the magic and mystery. Also, we should not put such a seed in someone’s brain that it affects them psychologically.