When it comes to buying or selling a home, searching and comparing insurance rates is probably the most important things you can do. However, in order to find a good massage therapy insurance plan, it can be very challenging to understand what will and will not be covered by your coverage. In this article, read about how massage therapy insurance covers different types of therapies as well as how what type of therapist you are might impact your coverage options.
What is a Massage Therapy Insurance Policy?
Massage therapy is a beneficial and relaxing form of treatment that many people turn to for relief. However, before you can receive massage, you may need to have some form of insurance in place. Here’s what you need to know about massage therapy insurance policies:
First and foremost, a massage therapy insurance policy will cover the costs associated with your treatment. This could include fees for the therapist, equipment rental, and any other related costs. You may also be covered for lost wages if you are unable to work due to the massage treatment.
Secondly, an insurance policy will usually cover you while you are receiving massage treatments. This means that even if you cannot find a therapist within your area who participates in the policy, you will still be able to receive treatment.
Finally, it is important to note that most insurance policies will only cover treatments that are deemed “medically necessary” by the insurer. This means that you will need to speak with your doctor about whether or not massage therapy is a suitable treatment for you.
Why do you need a Massage Therapy Insurance Policy?
A massage therapist’s normal workday is filled with pressure and tension. Constant contact with the skin can cause inflammation, pain, and fatigue. That’s why it’s important to have Massage Therapy Insurance in case of an injury.
Massage Therapy Insurance policies provide coverage for massage therapists in the event of an accident or illness. Policies often include general liability, property damage, and workers’ compensation benefits. In addition, policyholders may be eligible for reimbursement for medical expenses, including visits to a doctor or chiropractor for pre-existing conditions.
If you are interested in acquiring Massage Therapy Insurance, be sure to speak with your insurance agent about what type of policy is best for your business.
How much do massage therapy insurance plans cost?
Massage Magazine Insurance Plus offers honest, dependable, and affordable liability insurance for massage therapists for $169 per year for full-time pros and $149 for part-timers. Our policy automatically covers over 450+ modalities from massage therapy to cosmetology, yoga, and more. Our policy takes less than 5 minutes to sign up for and includes can’t-beat benefits like access to free online continuing education courses, over $1,800 in member benefit discounts and access to health insurance coverage for you and your family. We are built for independent practitioners as this policy was designed to protect individual massage therapists, not massage therapist businesses. We cover LMTs in all 50 states and require no additional fees.
Does anyone offer a free massage therapy insurance plan?
There are a few massage therapy insurance plans that offer free policy periods, but not all. The best way to find out if your massage therapist offers a free policy period is to ask them directly. If you don’t get an answer or the massage therapist doesn’t seem too keen on helping you, then it might be worth looking into other massage therapy insurance plans that offer free policy periods.
Who qualifies for massage therapy insurance?
If you are a licensed massage therapist, your insurance should cover you and your clients. However, there are other factors that can influence whether or not your insurance will cover massage therapy services.
Some of the things that can affect your coverage include the type of massage you offer, where you offer the service, and whether you are affiliated with a massage therapist organization.
If you’re not sure whether or not your insurance will cover massage therapy, ask your agent or provider.